There are many ways to take charge of your health - one easy step is to have a home herbal cabinet. Read on for both TCM and Western herbs I like to have on hand. The easiest way to prepare these herbs is as an infusion. You can boil water add it to the dried herb and let it steep for a few minutes. The time will vary depending on the herb selected.

- da zao - Chinese dat or jujube
- mei gui hua - Chinese rose bud or rose petals
- reishi
- lemon balm
- lavender
- chen pi - aged tangerine peel
- shan zha - hawthorn fruit
- fennel
- gou qi zi - gou ji berries
- tulsi - holy basil
- bo he - mint
- ju hua - chrysanthemum
- rou gui - cinnamon
- sheng jiang - fresh ginger