Chinese herbal medicine covers a broad spectrum from herbs that do double duty as food and medicine to toxic roots that are used in very small doses. Traditional methods of preparation include decoctions, powders, honey pills, wine tonics and topical applications. Here at BItter Roots we make traditional Chinese formulas into alcohol or glycerin based extracts for internal use as well as raw powder formulas (san), salves and liniments for topical use. We will also make custom formulas
Benefits of Tinctures
Easy to administer
Smaller dose required
Better compliance
More affordable long term
Are you a practitioner licensed to sell traditional Chinese medicine herbs?
Are you looking for a customizable product to meet all your patients’ needs?
Are you looking for effective Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions?
Do you have a busy clinic with little time for preparing or sourcing herbal remedies?
Do you want herbal tinctures delivered to your door?
Bitter Roots Apothecary can help! Bitter Roots Apothecary is a Vancouver based Traditional Chinese Medicine Apothecary providing both standard and custom formulations. We are dedicated to providing you and your clients with simple and effective traditional Chinese medicine tinctures. To ensure the most effective product possible we start with premium grade or organic herbs free from pesticides as well as sulphur, chlorine and aluminum phosphate. We are dedicated to good manufacturing practices as set out by Health Canada.
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